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The TX Elite Rally Fall Color Run of 2023 is now a cherished memory for those who participated in this incredible adventure. In the fall of 2023, car enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies embarked on a journey of a lifetime, driving through the stunning mountains, capturing picturesque moments on camera, and making lifelong friends.

It all began with a sizzling kick-off pre-meet at Oak’d BBQ in Addison, TX. The night before the rally’s official start, participants gathered to share their excitement, enjoy mouthwatering barbecue dishes, and make new friends. The aroma of smoked meats and the revving of high-performance engines set the tone for an unforgettable weekend.

Day 1: Dallas to Poteau, Oklahoma:

As the sun rose on the first day of the rally, participants revved their engines and hit the road from Dallas. Their destination for the night was Poteau, Oklahoma, but first, they made a stop at High Street Pizza for a scrumptious lunch. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pizza filled the air, offering a taste of the culinary delights that lay ahead. After lunch, the twisting backroads were just a preview for what was to come the next day.

Day 2: Poteau, Oklahoma to Hot Springs, Arkansas:

The journey continued as participants delved into the twisting mountain backroads, surrounded by beautiful views. This stretch of the rally was a photographer’s dream, with every turn revealing a new, breathtaking landscape. Cameras clicked away, capturing the beauty of nature and the thrill of the rally.

Lunchtime arrived at the Mountain Lodge, offering a serene escape amidst the mountains. Participants indulged in a delectable buffet, refueling their energy for the next leg of the journey. The lodge’s rustic charm and scenic beauty provided the perfect backdrop for a relaxing mid-day break. Some participants even got a glimpse of the eclipse happening that day from atop the mountain.

After lunch, the day led participants down the mountain to the enchanting Hot Springs, Arkansas. The evening was reserved for dining at the Porterhouse Restaurant, where they savored a sumptuous meal while bonding over shared rally experiences. The charming atmosphere and delectable dishes made it a memorable evening.

After dinner, participants retired to the Arlington Hotel, a sanctuary of comfort and style. The hotel’s classic elegance and ambiance ensured a restful night’s sleep, preparing everyone for the final leg of the rally.

Day 3: Hot Springs, Arkansas to Dallas, TX:

On the last day, participants embarked on the journey back to Dallas. Familiar roads and landscapes greeted them, but the thrill remained undiminished. The rally ended with a flavorful stop at the Flying Burger Restaurant, where they relished delicious burgers and shared their favorite moments from the rally.

The TX Elite Rally Fall Color Run of 2023 will forever remain a cherished memory for those who took part. This incredible adventure through the mountains, complete with picturesque photo shoots, delightful culinary experiences, and the camaraderie of fellow car enthusiasts, was an experience that truly revved up the senses and left an indelible mark on all who participated. While the 2023 event has come to a close, the memories and camaraderie will continue to inspire future rallies and adventures for years to come.


Check out some of the pics and videos from some of the participants and the media team below!

(Keep checking back as we will add more media content after it is created and uploaded.)



Daniel – @ThatSnowMexican




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